Is it just me, or is the media trying to drown conservatism with the worst possible representative? I can't believe that Sarah Palin is still getting media coverage. You're killing us, CNN. CNN just did a poll saying Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee are the top rated GOP representatives for the 2012 election ( That makes me sick. The last thing the Republicans need is another "god-fearing Christian" running, specifically anyone who thinks it's a strong idea to appear "folksy". I usually don't rip on people who believe in a god or anything like that, but when your platform runs on "good Christian values" you tend to exclude a lot of people who just don't care about Christian values.
Overall, elections really piss me off. They shouldn't, but they do. Every year, they drag out these people, who go around doing petty things that in the long run mean absolutely nothing, like bowling in Pennsylvania, or kissing babies. Why can't politicians be themselves? I know the answer exactly: if they were; we'd all see them for truly how fake they are. Hillary Clinton is a prime example. Not only is her smile one of the scariest things I've ever seen, but it's also one of the fakest things I've ever seen. It's all in her eyes that she really doesn't care about what she's doing, all she needs is more votes. She probably even hates all her supporters. That sort of elitist crap is what we get from both sides of the table.
My biggest problem with it is that those who are sadly more aligned with me come off as total bumpkins. All it does is make our work harder for us in the end. I have no worries though, I think the Republican party will soon collapse on itself (especially if the likes of Palin and Huckabee are their frontrunners). Then, we will see the ushering in of a new conservative party, one that stands for true conservatism, because it is fatally obvious that this form is not what we need.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Face of the GOP?
Why is it that the Republicans feel the need to find someone "diverse" (someone non-white, not someone with true ideals, necessarily {of course I'm not suggesting that only whites have the right mindset. hahaha wow I even have to censor myself}) to attempt to take the GOP to new levels? Bobby Jindal spoke out against Obama, poorly, and was made into a mockery. The media, weeks before, strung him up like a white knight riding on a horse, with a beaming halo of light blasting behind him (much like the way they portrayed Obama during his run for office).
While watching this, I felt disgraced to even mention his name and conservative in the same sentence. I felt like I could have spoken on the Republican's behalf better, and I'm not even a Republican!
And they wonder why they've lost their way...
What is even funnier is that the higher-ups are really trying hard to move around possible "saviors" of the GOP. People who are traditional Republicans, Ron Paul and those of the like. There are more libertarian conservatives out there than the media leads on, and it's almost like the GOP is afraid of tapping them for ideas.
I will say one thing: I don't care what race, gender, sexual orientation, favorite color or whatever, as long as they have a head on their shoulders, understand the rule of law, and do their job the way it was entailed, they have my vote.
Eric Holder is right: We are a "Nation of Cowards". There is no doubt in my mind of this. However, people have it wrong as to who it is we should blame. We shouldn't blame ourselves for not being able to speak freely about racial issues, we should blame those who censor us by calling us racist; but more importantly: we need to blame ourselves for allowing ourselves to succumb to such censorship.
This political cartoon is proof: Sure, it probably is pretty racist, but at the same time maybe its suggestive. All I know, is that the stampede of media coverage following this picture is a major reason why no one can talk about racism. The only lesson I learned is that you will be bombarded with attacks, just as bad or maybe worse than what you threw out. Racism is ugly. But the less we talk about it, the worse it will get. Let's grab it by the horns and get it out there before it explodes in our faces. The racial tension in society today is disgusting.
Phew, just went from GOP to Bobby Jindal to racism. Must be hard to read haha. Oh well, I'll post this anyway.
--Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, and ideas are bulletproof.
While watching this, I felt disgraced to even mention his name and conservative in the same sentence. I felt like I could have spoken on the Republican's behalf better, and I'm not even a Republican!
And they wonder why they've lost their way...
What is even funnier is that the higher-ups are really trying hard to move around possible "saviors" of the GOP. People who are traditional Republicans, Ron Paul and those of the like. There are more libertarian conservatives out there than the media leads on, and it's almost like the GOP is afraid of tapping them for ideas.
I will say one thing: I don't care what race, gender, sexual orientation, favorite color or whatever, as long as they have a head on their shoulders, understand the rule of law, and do their job the way it was entailed, they have my vote.
Eric Holder is right: We are a "Nation of Cowards". There is no doubt in my mind of this. However, people have it wrong as to who it is we should blame. We shouldn't blame ourselves for not being able to speak freely about racial issues, we should blame those who censor us by calling us racist; but more importantly: we need to blame ourselves for allowing ourselves to succumb to such censorship.

This political cartoon is proof: Sure, it probably is pretty racist, but at the same time maybe its suggestive. All I know, is that the stampede of media coverage following this picture is a major reason why no one can talk about racism. The only lesson I learned is that you will be bombarded with attacks, just as bad or maybe worse than what you threw out. Racism is ugly. But the less we talk about it, the worse it will get. Let's grab it by the horns and get it out there before it explodes in our faces. The racial tension in society today is disgusting.
Phew, just went from GOP to Bobby Jindal to racism. Must be hard to read haha. Oh well, I'll post this anyway.
--Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, and ideas are bulletproof.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
3.6 Trillion dollars??? WTF
Hello Bloggers and Blog readers, My name is LibertyCatalyst, I'm starting a blog approaching the things that make me mad in the world of politics. Of course, I won't always be negative, Unlike the media, I'd rather hear and report good news. So keep an eye on my page, maybe we can agree on stuff, maybe we'll completely be at disagreement, but either way I'd love to hear from you, and possibly talk out ideas and debate.
I couldn't have picked a better time to launch my blog. At this very moment, I am watching CNN, watching a discussion on Obama's new budget plan, which is supposed to bring down the deficit and help stabilize the economy. I cannot see how one could even think to stabilize anything that is in the red by spending more.
To fill you in, (just in case you don't know what this guy's doing with our money) there is a current bill going through the house and senate, that promotes a 3.6 trillion dollar budget. Considering the economy in its current state, and the fact that our dollar is pretty much worthless, we're looking at a much larger problem than it had to be.
One of my biggest issues relies in taxation. This budget is promising to repeal tax cuts for wealthy Americans. This sentence alone is confusing. What it appears to be, is that the government is going to take more money from those who make more, and not as much from those who don't make much. I believe in a across the board tax thats equal, or no income tax at all. Either is fantastic in my eyes. This bill is nothing but Big Government spending.
What Upsets me more is that Republicans are arrogant enough to call this "the return of Big Government". Do they remember the last 8 years? Spending was through the roof. With this bill, I predict it will only get worse.
Republicans and Democrats need to quit tis facade, telling us that we have to choose between two ideologically different styles. In my eyes, they are both the same thing, Big Government spenders, wasting our money instead of doing good with it.
One last gripe: I don't know who made the commercial, I'm going to guess and say Republicans, where it mentions the bailout bill that was just recently signed by Obama. It starts by saying you'd have to spend $1,000,000 a day for 2000 years to even come close to the ammount that bill spent. I was thinking, "yeah! this is right!" until the line "Just think about it, that could start from say, the day Jesus was born". At that point, I was done. There is no quicker way to scare people away from your opinion than to throw religion into it. Give it up, and just give facts, not fictitious characters and fictitious dates.
That's all for today,
I couldn't have picked a better time to launch my blog. At this very moment, I am watching CNN, watching a discussion on Obama's new budget plan, which is supposed to bring down the deficit and help stabilize the economy. I cannot see how one could even think to stabilize anything that is in the red by spending more.
To fill you in, (just in case you don't know what this guy's doing with our money) there is a current bill going through the house and senate, that promotes a 3.6 trillion dollar budget. Considering the economy in its current state, and the fact that our dollar is pretty much worthless, we're looking at a much larger problem than it had to be.
One of my biggest issues relies in taxation. This budget is promising to repeal tax cuts for wealthy Americans. This sentence alone is confusing. What it appears to be, is that the government is going to take more money from those who make more, and not as much from those who don't make much. I believe in a across the board tax thats equal, or no income tax at all. Either is fantastic in my eyes. This bill is nothing but Big Government spending.
What Upsets me more is that Republicans are arrogant enough to call this "the return of Big Government". Do they remember the last 8 years? Spending was through the roof. With this bill, I predict it will only get worse.
Republicans and Democrats need to quit tis facade, telling us that we have to choose between two ideologically different styles. In my eyes, they are both the same thing, Big Government spenders, wasting our money instead of doing good with it.
One last gripe: I don't know who made the commercial, I'm going to guess and say Republicans, where it mentions the bailout bill that was just recently signed by Obama. It starts by saying you'd have to spend $1,000,000 a day for 2000 years to even come close to the ammount that bill spent. I was thinking, "yeah! this is right!" until the line "Just think about it, that could start from say, the day Jesus was born". At that point, I was done. There is no quicker way to scare people away from your opinion than to throw religion into it. Give it up, and just give facts, not fictitious characters and fictitious dates.
That's all for today,
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