While watching this, I felt disgraced to even mention his name and conservative in the same sentence. I felt like I could have spoken on the Republican's behalf better, and I'm not even a Republican!
And they wonder why they've lost their way...
What is even funnier is that the higher-ups are really trying hard to move around possible "saviors" of the GOP. People who are traditional Republicans, Ron Paul and those of the like. There are more libertarian conservatives out there than the media leads on, and it's almost like the GOP is afraid of tapping them for ideas.
I will say one thing: I don't care what race, gender, sexual orientation, favorite color or whatever, as long as they have a head on their shoulders, understand the rule of law, and do their job the way it was entailed, they have my vote.
Eric Holder is right: We are a "Nation of Cowards". There is no doubt in my mind of this. However, people have it wrong as to who it is we should blame. We shouldn't blame ourselves for not being able to speak freely about racial issues, we should blame those who censor us by calling us racist; but more importantly: we need to blame ourselves for allowing ourselves to succumb to such censorship.

This political cartoon is proof: Sure, it probably is pretty racist, but at the same time maybe its suggestive. All I know, is that the stampede of media coverage following this picture is a major reason why no one can talk about racism. The only lesson I learned is that you will be bombarded with attacks, just as bad or maybe worse than what you threw out. Racism is ugly. But the less we talk about it, the worse it will get. Let's grab it by the horns and get it out there before it explodes in our faces. The racial tension in society today is disgusting.
Phew, just went from GOP to Bobby Jindal to racism. Must be hard to read haha. Oh well, I'll post this anyway.
--Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, and ideas are bulletproof.
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