Thursday, March 26, 2009

Campaigning in the White House

I'm calling "bullshit" on this town hall meeting thing. Obama is already planning on pushing through his new mortally expensive budget. He has no concern for what The People think. He won't change the bill, it's already out there. It'll pass just the way it is.

I'm beginning to see that this is all just a diversion from the real problems in this country. Town Halls, Campaign Ads promoting bills, all these things. To me, it seems like Obama realizes he is losing the trust of the American people. Slowly, people who pay attention and realize he doesn't know what he's doing. He's feeling it out as he goes. Not good for him.
I hate making predictions, but I'd say he drops in the "approval polls" significantly.

While this abusive spending bill goes through, regardless of this "Town Hall Meeting", I think now is a good time to turn light to H.R. 1207, which is receiving the snowball effect. The last time I checked, there were 33 cosponsors on the bill. Democrats and Republicans. This is fantastic. For more info, see the gadget on the right side of the screen dedicated to this.


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