Tuesday, March 24, 2009

"Toxic Assets"

Why is it that when I hear and watch Obama speak, I still feel like hes on the campaign trail? It's now beginning to show that he's not even confident in himself.
This whole "toxic asset" thing is really confusing me, why would it be a good idea for the government to take the hit in a martyr-like fashion? Doesn't anyone realize that we, the taxpayers fund the government? That we, the taxpayers are taking this hit? Proving to be more than martyrdom, but anti-intellectual mass suicide? We will not be able to exist, if we allow the government to absorb the "toxic" assets; the failing assets. So now, instead of correcting the problem by creating a solid currency that will keep things stable, we create a new idea that forces us, the taxpayers, to work off this debt that will undoubtedly last beyond our own lifetimes, beyond our childrens' lifetimes, and beyond their childrens' lifetimes. Who knows if we'll ever rebound from something like this?

I guess we can always pretend like there is no debt...


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