Thursday, September 24, 2009
If this doesn't make you feel disgusted, I don't know what will. This is FUCKED UP to say the least. Intercoms? Sure, they're anarchists who have been known to get rowdy, but when you appear in full riot gear, bombing them with tear gas and threatening them like that, what do you expect? Of course they're going to rebel. If the police, or hell, if the military started herding you and your like minded peers into a corner because your opinions cause a threat to their system of order, would you not get violent? You're defending your beliefs, rights, and most importantly your life at this situation. You heard that intercom correctly, whereas we once belonged to a free state, where you could come and go at your own pleasure down a public street; you can now be arrested by riot control for looking at them wrong. This is bullshit to the 10th degree. Who gave them this much power?
If this is how the government wants to treat its owners, I'll be the first in line as a treasonous patriot.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Speaking to the kids
Well it's been a long while since my last post, I'll admit I've been pretty busy. I'd like to jump headfirst into the more recent political craziness that is the American Government. First up is the death of Ted Kennedy, which I wasn't very affected by. I mean sure, no one deserves to die from cancer, that really sucks, but I was never a major fan of him. Sure, you can call me heartless, but I think it's all sensationalism. I actually have a funny memory to share about Ted, I wrote to him last year about the bailout, and how I did not support it as one of his constituents. In the letter form to him on his site, he has a drop bar to help categorize the message with all sorts of issues. There was NO economic or economically related issues! I was shocked, I saw gun control, I saw welfare, I saw all sorts of government spending issues, yet NOTHING on the economy! I was outraged! My message to Ted was part opinion on the bailout, and part complaint due to inconsistency and unfair representation.
I got a letter back not from him, but his secretary that was half fruity "We care about your thoughts... blah blah blah" and half "Mr. Kennedy understands your concern, and we will make the changes as soon as we get around to it". I wrote back, outraged again, "No, change it now, the issue is important now, yet we can hardly voice on it". I didn't get a response back for about 3 days, figured the secretary was just going to ignore me, and then I turned on the news. Kennedy was admitted to a hospital and has brain cancer. Ooops!! But seriously, from that point on, I was anticipating his resignation, because there is no way he could represent us if he was battling cancer. It never came. Not surprised, politicians will hold onto power until they die if they can.
Anyway, the past is past. The other issue I wanted to mention was the Presidential speech tomorrow morning. It really doesn't upset me very much, because many other Presidents have made speeches to kids in school, and as long as there is a public school system with the government in charge, I guess the president can really do what he wants. No big deal to me really, besides, it's not that big of a deal. He's telling them to do good in school. Probably wont work at all, but hey, A for effort. I read the speech, he seems to come off as like someone who's out of touch, looking to relate to the kids through humor. I didn't find it funny, but that's also because I'm not into that "cutesy" humor he uses.
If you're interested, check it out here:
Obama Speech to Students
I got a letter back not from him, but his secretary that was half fruity "We care about your thoughts... blah blah blah" and half "Mr. Kennedy understands your concern, and we will make the changes as soon as we get around to it". I wrote back, outraged again, "No, change it now, the issue is important now, yet we can hardly voice on it". I didn't get a response back for about 3 days, figured the secretary was just going to ignore me, and then I turned on the news. Kennedy was admitted to a hospital and has brain cancer. Ooops!! But seriously, from that point on, I was anticipating his resignation, because there is no way he could represent us if he was battling cancer. It never came. Not surprised, politicians will hold onto power until they die if they can.
Anyway, the past is past. The other issue I wanted to mention was the Presidential speech tomorrow morning. It really doesn't upset me very much, because many other Presidents have made speeches to kids in school, and as long as there is a public school system with the government in charge, I guess the president can really do what he wants. No big deal to me really, besides, it's not that big of a deal. He's telling them to do good in school. Probably wont work at all, but hey, A for effort. I read the speech, he seems to come off as like someone who's out of touch, looking to relate to the kids through humor. I didn't find it funny, but that's also because I'm not into that "cutesy" humor he uses.
If you're interested, check it out here:
Obama Speech to Students
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I don't swear often in posts, but this is shitty.
I'm not a big Republican guy, but I'm DEFINITELY not a big Democrat guy. In fact, I hate both parties. But anyway, Arlen Spector (we in New England know him as the guy who put the NFL over the economy, while trying to prove that the Patriots cheated against the Steelers-but of course no one cared) decided to switch from Republican to Democrat, because
"the Republican Party has moved farther and farther to the right, I have found myself increasingly at odds with the Republican philosophy and more in line with the philosophy of the Democratic Party,"
and continued with
"In the course of the last several months ... I have traveled the state and surveyed the sentiments of the Republican Party in Pennsylvania and public opinion polls, observed other public opinion polls and have found that the prospects for winning a Republican primary are bleak."
So to me, all I get is, he's willing to silence dissent for another 2 years for the sake of votes? This is why I hate politicians. I mean, what does he side with? Total government control? or actual "Republican" (libertarian) principles? If the second, he's a fool, because the Democrats are definitely not libertarian by any stretch. The first makes most sense. I don't know, I'm definitely against not being true to your principles, but the already dim voice of dissent is being suffocated; why put the plastic bag around its head?
The Democrats are one seat away from potentially ruining the country.
Dissent makes the world go 'round. Atleast in America.
-It's all distorted in Americana
I'm not a big Republican guy, but I'm DEFINITELY not a big Democrat guy. In fact, I hate both parties. But anyway, Arlen Spector (we in New England know him as the guy who put the NFL over the economy, while trying to prove that the Patriots cheated against the Steelers-but of course no one cared) decided to switch from Republican to Democrat, because
"the Republican Party has moved farther and farther to the right, I have found myself increasingly at odds with the Republican philosophy and more in line with the philosophy of the Democratic Party,"
and continued with
"In the course of the last several months ... I have traveled the state and surveyed the sentiments of the Republican Party in Pennsylvania and public opinion polls, observed other public opinion polls and have found that the prospects for winning a Republican primary are bleak."
So to me, all I get is, he's willing to silence dissent for another 2 years for the sake of votes? This is why I hate politicians. I mean, what does he side with? Total government control? or actual "Republican" (libertarian) principles? If the second, he's a fool, because the Democrats are definitely not libertarian by any stretch. The first makes most sense. I don't know, I'm definitely against not being true to your principles, but the already dim voice of dissent is being suffocated; why put the plastic bag around its head?
The Democrats are one seat away from potentially ruining the country.
Dissent makes the world go 'round. Atleast in America.
-It's all distorted in Americana
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Why cops piss me off
I can't stand them. Don't get me wrong, some are trying to be honest people and do their job correctly, I have nothing against them and respect them. However, when a cop pulls you over and treats you like a criminal for no reason, then I have a problem.
Take this video, about a seemingly New England thing (all New England cops here, note the Rhode Island Statie uniform, quite hilarious)
Essentially, they're commanding you to wear seat belts for your own good. I was looking for one commercial that they pulled awhile ago, because it showed their true colors. It said "Cops give tickets to save lives, so Click-it, or Ticket!"
Thanks guys, I couldn't have taken care of myself without that vital information.
Seat belt laws are ridiculous. If someone gets into an accident and dies because he didn't have a seat belt on, that's his fault, not the state's for not regulating seat belt wearing.
On top of this, they trample your rights just to get stuff out of you. (see two posts ago, and the case where a school strip searched some girl for pills). It is beyond unreasonable. Another case is this one:
Completely uncalled for. I hope this guy sues the Border Patrol for all they have.
On top of this, people are saying that HE's at fault, that HE deserved what he got. I can't believe this! I would have the video here of a radio interview, but it god pulled. Anyway, the caller said that he got what he deserved, because after 9/11, we should be wary of the threat to our nation, and all this other bullshit. She's fucking insane, and probably one of those who's easily controlled by the police.
You can choose to live in a world where you waive your rights, because you've got nothing to hide, and you don't need them anyway, the government can take care of you - or you can exercise every one of your rights regardless if you need to or not, because it's your right to do so. I prefer the latter. I don't care if I'm carrying absolutely nothing in my car, a cop can't search me without a warrant or my consent; and I'm definitely not giving any cops my consent. Thanks, but no thanks.
Anyway, that lady was insane. If the youtube video reemerges, take a look. Crazy neo cons.
Take this video, about a seemingly New England thing (all New England cops here, note the Rhode Island Statie uniform, quite hilarious)
Essentially, they're commanding you to wear seat belts for your own good. I was looking for one commercial that they pulled awhile ago, because it showed their true colors. It said "Cops give tickets to save lives, so Click-it, or Ticket!"
Thanks guys, I couldn't have taken care of myself without that vital information.
Seat belt laws are ridiculous. If someone gets into an accident and dies because he didn't have a seat belt on, that's his fault, not the state's for not regulating seat belt wearing.
On top of this, they trample your rights just to get stuff out of you. (see two posts ago, and the case where a school strip searched some girl for pills). It is beyond unreasonable. Another case is this one:
Completely uncalled for. I hope this guy sues the Border Patrol for all they have.
On top of this, people are saying that HE's at fault, that HE deserved what he got. I can't believe this! I would have the video here of a radio interview, but it god pulled. Anyway, the caller said that he got what he deserved, because after 9/11, we should be wary of the threat to our nation, and all this other bullshit. She's fucking insane, and probably one of those who's easily controlled by the police.
You can choose to live in a world where you waive your rights, because you've got nothing to hide, and you don't need them anyway, the government can take care of you - or you can exercise every one of your rights regardless if you need to or not, because it's your right to do so. I prefer the latter. I don't care if I'm carrying absolutely nothing in my car, a cop can't search me without a warrant or my consent; and I'm definitely not giving any cops my consent. Thanks, but no thanks.
Anyway, that lady was insane. If the youtube video reemerges, take a look. Crazy neo cons.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
My thoughts on the Tea Party
I've been watching the news lately, and of course this "Republican agenda" tea party issue is being passed around. I believe this to be half true, but I want to clarify something. I'll get to that later, first I'll summarize.
Opinions on this are generally split three ways
Obama supporters, feeling this is threatening. They will do whatever they can to undermine the plan.
Neo-conservatives and deceived sheep Republicans, looking to reclaim the power they once had by championing the underdog. This is how the Democrats pulled themselves up (though they'd like you to think they did it because everyone loves them), and that's how neo-conservatism will make its return.
Atleast if the true conservatives don't block them. The true conservatives who stand for a federal decrease in government. This starts by lowering and combating taxes.
My problem with this is that the neo-conservatives suddenly are taking up positions against taxation, just to win the vote. These people aren't true libertarian minded conservatives, they are just trying to get back into power.
Of course, I won't rule out that some of them are waking up, but I don't believe all of them stand on these grounds. That dilutes the true factors in this, the most important part.
The income tax is not a necessary evil, it's just evil.
I've stated this on my new-found favorite forum site, Topix. It is both exciting and funny. Some people make valid points, others aren't very bright, but they still seem to type and make fools of themselves, and others partake in shouting matches until they win. It's almost like the real world! Haha, but seriously, it's fun over there, and I recommend you joining as well.
Opinions on this are generally split three ways
Obama supporters, feeling this is threatening. They will do whatever they can to undermine the plan.
Neo-conservatives and deceived sheep Republicans, looking to reclaim the power they once had by championing the underdog. This is how the Democrats pulled themselves up (though they'd like you to think they did it because everyone loves them), and that's how neo-conservatism will make its return.
Atleast if the true conservatives don't block them. The true conservatives who stand for a federal decrease in government. This starts by lowering and combating taxes.
My problem with this is that the neo-conservatives suddenly are taking up positions against taxation, just to win the vote. These people aren't true libertarian minded conservatives, they are just trying to get back into power.
Of course, I won't rule out that some of them are waking up, but I don't believe all of them stand on these grounds. That dilutes the true factors in this, the most important part.
The income tax is not a necessary evil, it's just evil.
I've stated this on my new-found favorite forum site, Topix. It is both exciting and funny. Some people make valid points, others aren't very bright, but they still seem to type and make fools of themselves, and others partake in shouting matches until they win. It's almost like the real world! Haha, but seriously, it's fun over there, and I recommend you joining as well.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
So I guess being a cop entitles you to be a bully...
These videos are ridiculous. They're proof that there's too much power in the hands of the executive branch of this company. These men walk all over this campaign worker for the Campaign For Liberty. Last time I checked, it's not illegal to carry money.
Check them out:
Check them out:
Friday, April 3, 2009
Penn Says: Trillion
I've been a subscriber to Penn Jillette's youtube account for ahwile now, but this video he posted today was fantastic. Check it out, it's about the stimulus package:
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Something big is going to happen
I can feel it. There are quotes from famous philosophers all over my school. The media seems to be turning for and against the President in a strange hurricane-like pattern. Admirably, some members are calling Obama on every mistake he's making. Unfortunately, others are scrambling to sweep that under the rug.
I don't know who hung these flyers up and why, but they bring together great points. Two of my favorite quotes of all time are hanging up:
"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin
"We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed." - Martin Luther King Jr.
These flyers went up fast, almost as if in a response to the MassPIRG flyers that went up a few days ago, urging a vote for MassPIRG to stay on our bills. I voted against MassPIRG. While I do believe that they have the right to exist in our schools, I do not believe that a fee should be attached to our bills to be waived. Money should be raised in a separate fashion.
In case you are unaware, MassPIRG is a lobbyist group that has student participation. Everyone is entitled to do so in some fashion. However, they should only be able to get money from those they've officially asked, instead of saying "We'll take $10, added to your annual bill, UNLESS you say otherwise." This is the scenario I see. For these reasons I voted against MassPIRG. By doing this, they undermine their opposition, which is to assume that opposition does not exist.
If this is the reason these flyers go up, I commend the hanger/hangers.
If they're upset with this country and the direction we travel into, I praise them as well. I hope those quotes never come down (although I'm sure they will, and the reason will be because they weren't stamped; but we all know the truth), they remind us of where we come from, and what we stand for. This nation is not and never will be about bullying others to agree, nor will we be bullied by any false-deity who steps into power. It happened in Germany, it happened in Italy, it happened in Russia and Cuba, and it probably is happening here.
I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I do not believe these people in power to be intentionally attempting to take us down like some evil comic book villain, I believe they are trying to do what they see right for the country. At the same time, I believe that Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, and Castro all believed the same. They were looking to make their country better in their own eyes. In all cases, however, their ideas undermined the basic principles of liberty. Therefore, their principles are inherently incorrect steps to ruling a country like ours. Our country, founded on the principles of liberty, cannot exist in a state of true freedom with such strangleholds on our rights as we see today. Governments outlawing smoking by not only absurd taxation, but banning as well, Governments absurdly taxing firearms and banning as well. All for the vision of safety. A false sense of safety, which can only be created by the elimination of freedoms, will leave the individual powerless. Powerless to protect himself. He then must rely on a greater power to protect him, that previously established greater power is his State. We as a nation have the right to submit ourselves to a god of some form (I personally choose to submit myself to no one but myself). However that person, whether or not he chooses to exercise this freedom, now must submit himself to a greater power, a god, known only as the State. And as some religious people know, a god doesn't always answer. Neither does the State. This is an idea I've been thinking about, introduced to me by a book I read in high school called "The Children's Story". Most students blew this off, didn't put much thought into it, however this outlines the realities of how we take our freedoms for granted, both in the book, and ironically, in real life. I recommend reading it, it's a great short story.
Why must we rely on a state? Why cannot we rely on our gods, or ourselves, allow ourselves to be our own keepers, or allow our gods to will ourselves to take care of each other? We as a people are responsible for ourselves. When we put a trust in someone else, in the State, for example, they won't always answer, or maybe they won't answer right away. The average police response time is 8-10 minutes, varying depending on location (obviously). 8 minutes can be too long. That's 8 minutes of you praying that an officer will turn the corner. Your life is in someone else's hands, someone who isn't always the most reliable (see any blunder the country has made in the past 50 years). Those 8 minutes may feel like a lifetime, and in some cases, could be the rest of your life.
Someone once asked me, "Why don't you trust the police when it comes to your safety?"
I responded, "Why do you put so much trust into a government, that you are willing to leave your own life in their hands, ready for them to drop it at any moment? Do you really trust a giant bureaucracy, where you are just a statistic, with your life? I trust myself, and anyone who is close enough to me to allow me to give them my trust."
He had nothing more to say. I don't know or care whether or not he dismissed me as a loony. I don't trust anyone or anything but my own judgment to take care of me, and when I'm on my deathbed and lose my sense of judgment, I then trust my family and closest friends to do what's right for me. To do what I would've done in that situation. Never would I trust anyone else, especially not the government, who cannot even balance a checkbook, let alone play Superman and World Police all at once.
I leave you with this: War to create or spread freedom is a fallacy. This is no war at all, this is a slaughter of innocence and a slaughter of liberty. The only war worth fighting is a war fought by the oppressed to remove the oppressors, in order to provide for liberty. This is a true state of freedom. The rest is just oppression.
If you are a (or the) person responsible for hanging these quotes, and if you do believe we have lost our way, I commend you. Thank you for speaking out.
-- Beneath this Mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, and ideas are bulletproof.
PS. If you are responsible, contact me, I want to establish a campus liberty organization around here and attempt to ruffle some feathers.
I don't know who hung these flyers up and why, but they bring together great points. Two of my favorite quotes of all time are hanging up:
"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin
"We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed." - Martin Luther King Jr.
These flyers went up fast, almost as if in a response to the MassPIRG flyers that went up a few days ago, urging a vote for MassPIRG to stay on our bills. I voted against MassPIRG. While I do believe that they have the right to exist in our schools, I do not believe that a fee should be attached to our bills to be waived. Money should be raised in a separate fashion.
In case you are unaware, MassPIRG is a lobbyist group that has student participation. Everyone is entitled to do so in some fashion. However, they should only be able to get money from those they've officially asked, instead of saying "We'll take $10, added to your annual bill, UNLESS you say otherwise." This is the scenario I see. For these reasons I voted against MassPIRG. By doing this, they undermine their opposition, which is to assume that opposition does not exist.
If this is the reason these flyers go up, I commend the hanger/hangers.
If they're upset with this country and the direction we travel into, I praise them as well. I hope those quotes never come down (although I'm sure they will, and the reason will be because they weren't stamped; but we all know the truth), they remind us of where we come from, and what we stand for. This nation is not and never will be about bullying others to agree, nor will we be bullied by any false-deity who steps into power. It happened in Germany, it happened in Italy, it happened in Russia and Cuba, and it probably is happening here.
I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I do not believe these people in power to be intentionally attempting to take us down like some evil comic book villain, I believe they are trying to do what they see right for the country. At the same time, I believe that Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, and Castro all believed the same. They were looking to make their country better in their own eyes. In all cases, however, their ideas undermined the basic principles of liberty. Therefore, their principles are inherently incorrect steps to ruling a country like ours. Our country, founded on the principles of liberty, cannot exist in a state of true freedom with such strangleholds on our rights as we see today. Governments outlawing smoking by not only absurd taxation, but banning as well, Governments absurdly taxing firearms and banning as well. All for the vision of safety. A false sense of safety, which can only be created by the elimination of freedoms, will leave the individual powerless. Powerless to protect himself. He then must rely on a greater power to protect him, that previously established greater power is his State. We as a nation have the right to submit ourselves to a god of some form (I personally choose to submit myself to no one but myself). However that person, whether or not he chooses to exercise this freedom, now must submit himself to a greater power, a god, known only as the State. And as some religious people know, a god doesn't always answer. Neither does the State. This is an idea I've been thinking about, introduced to me by a book I read in high school called "The Children's Story". Most students blew this off, didn't put much thought into it, however this outlines the realities of how we take our freedoms for granted, both in the book, and ironically, in real life. I recommend reading it, it's a great short story.
Why must we rely on a state? Why cannot we rely on our gods, or ourselves, allow ourselves to be our own keepers, or allow our gods to will ourselves to take care of each other? We as a people are responsible for ourselves. When we put a trust in someone else, in the State, for example, they won't always answer, or maybe they won't answer right away. The average police response time is 8-10 minutes, varying depending on location (obviously). 8 minutes can be too long. That's 8 minutes of you praying that an officer will turn the corner. Your life is in someone else's hands, someone who isn't always the most reliable (see any blunder the country has made in the past 50 years). Those 8 minutes may feel like a lifetime, and in some cases, could be the rest of your life.
Someone once asked me, "Why don't you trust the police when it comes to your safety?"
I responded, "Why do you put so much trust into a government, that you are willing to leave your own life in their hands, ready for them to drop it at any moment? Do you really trust a giant bureaucracy, where you are just a statistic, with your life? I trust myself, and anyone who is close enough to me to allow me to give them my trust."
He had nothing more to say. I don't know or care whether or not he dismissed me as a loony. I don't trust anyone or anything but my own judgment to take care of me, and when I'm on my deathbed and lose my sense of judgment, I then trust my family and closest friends to do what's right for me. To do what I would've done in that situation. Never would I trust anyone else, especially not the government, who cannot even balance a checkbook, let alone play Superman and World Police all at once.
I leave you with this: War to create or spread freedom is a fallacy. This is no war at all, this is a slaughter of innocence and a slaughter of liberty. The only war worth fighting is a war fought by the oppressed to remove the oppressors, in order to provide for liberty. This is a true state of freedom. The rest is just oppression.
If you are a (or the) person responsible for hanging these quotes, and if you do believe we have lost our way, I commend you. Thank you for speaking out.
-- Beneath this Mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, and ideas are bulletproof.
PS. If you are responsible, contact me, I want to establish a campus liberty organization around here and attempt to ruffle some feathers.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Campaigning in the White House
I'm calling "bullshit" on this town hall meeting thing. Obama is already planning on pushing through his new mortally expensive budget. He has no concern for what The People think. He won't change the bill, it's already out there. It'll pass just the way it is.
I'm beginning to see that this is all just a diversion from the real problems in this country. Town Halls, Campaign Ads promoting bills, all these things. To me, it seems like Obama realizes he is losing the trust of the American people. Slowly, people who pay attention and realize he doesn't know what he's doing. He's feeling it out as he goes. Not good for him.
I hate making predictions, but I'd say he drops in the "approval polls" significantly.
While this abusive spending bill goes through, regardless of this "Town Hall Meeting", I think now is a good time to turn light to H.R. 1207, which is receiving the snowball effect. The last time I checked, there were 33 cosponsors on the bill. Democrats and Republicans. This is fantastic. For more info, see the gadget on the right side of the screen dedicated to this.
I'm beginning to see that this is all just a diversion from the real problems in this country. Town Halls, Campaign Ads promoting bills, all these things. To me, it seems like Obama realizes he is losing the trust of the American people. Slowly, people who pay attention and realize he doesn't know what he's doing. He's feeling it out as he goes. Not good for him.
I hate making predictions, but I'd say he drops in the "approval polls" significantly.
While this abusive spending bill goes through, regardless of this "Town Hall Meeting", I think now is a good time to turn light to H.R. 1207, which is receiving the snowball effect. The last time I checked, there were 33 cosponsors on the bill. Democrats and Republicans. This is fantastic. For more info, see the gadget on the right side of the screen dedicated to this.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
"Toxic Assets"
Why is it that when I hear and watch Obama speak, I still feel like hes on the campaign trail? It's now beginning to show that he's not even confident in himself.
This whole "toxic asset" thing is really confusing me, why would it be a good idea for the government to take the hit in a martyr-like fashion? Doesn't anyone realize that we, the taxpayers fund the government? That we, the taxpayers are taking this hit? Proving to be more than martyrdom, but anti-intellectual mass suicide? We will not be able to exist, if we allow the government to absorb the "toxic" assets; the failing assets. So now, instead of correcting the problem by creating a solid currency that will keep things stable, we create a new idea that forces us, the taxpayers, to work off this debt that will undoubtedly last beyond our own lifetimes, beyond our childrens' lifetimes, and beyond their childrens' lifetimes. Who knows if we'll ever rebound from something like this?
I guess we can always pretend like there is no debt...
This whole "toxic asset" thing is really confusing me, why would it be a good idea for the government to take the hit in a martyr-like fashion? Doesn't anyone realize that we, the taxpayers fund the government? That we, the taxpayers are taking this hit? Proving to be more than martyrdom, but anti-intellectual mass suicide? We will not be able to exist, if we allow the government to absorb the "toxic" assets; the failing assets. So now, instead of correcting the problem by creating a solid currency that will keep things stable, we create a new idea that forces us, the taxpayers, to work off this debt that will undoubtedly last beyond our own lifetimes, beyond our childrens' lifetimes, and beyond their childrens' lifetimes. Who knows if we'll ever rebound from something like this?
I guess we can always pretend like there is no debt...
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Philosophy of Liberty
Philosophy of Liberty
I was shown this by a fellow patriot. It is very interesting, I encourage you all to watch it.
I was shown this by a fellow patriot. It is very interesting, I encourage you all to watch it.
I take a vacation, and this happens
90% bonus tax?
This seals the deal for me. The government officially owns AIG. I mean, it really sucks that they did that, but what sucks even more is that the government gave them the money, wagged their finger, and said "behave."
Who really thought that that was going to work?

Oh wait...
Yeah, change sounds pretty good now, doesn't it?
Does anyone else agree with me when I say that failing businesses don't know how to use money, and therefore do stupid stuff like this?
I feel like that's a pretty solid hypothesis. We can't keep bailing these guys out, they don't know how to use it. At the same time; yes there are companies that are being dragged down by these poorly behaving larger companies. Who's to blame for this? The federal reserve for one; but most importantly, our own federal government. Over time, printing money went from a last-ditch move, to a science. It's the answer to everything. "Fed is in debt. Print more money!" "Wall Street is falling. Print more money!" "The American Dollar is lower than the Canadian Dollar. Print more money!"
Just do us all a favor, and stop. We might not even make it to the next election at this rate
This seals the deal for me. The government officially owns AIG. I mean, it really sucks that they did that, but what sucks even more is that the government gave them the money, wagged their finger, and said "behave."
Who really thought that that was going to work?

Oh wait...
Yeah, change sounds pretty good now, doesn't it?
Does anyone else agree with me when I say that failing businesses don't know how to use money, and therefore do stupid stuff like this?
I feel like that's a pretty solid hypothesis. We can't keep bailing these guys out, they don't know how to use it. At the same time; yes there are companies that are being dragged down by these poorly behaving larger companies. Who's to blame for this? The federal reserve for one; but most importantly, our own federal government. Over time, printing money went from a last-ditch move, to a science. It's the answer to everything. "Fed is in debt. Print more money!" "Wall Street is falling. Print more money!" "The American Dollar is lower than the Canadian Dollar. Print more money!"
Just do us all a favor, and stop. We might not even make it to the next election at this rate
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Bullshit in America
My posts have been slowing down, but I'm wrapping up my mid-terms, so it'll pick up again.
Plus, the uselessness of Congress is nauseating. I can't imagine how I'd be if I was an actual congressman, I think I'd lose my mind. Watching C-SPAN this much is disturbing me. I mean, I like the fact that congress is at my fingertips. That's perfect. is also awesome. I can find anything I want, and then write. I'm really excited about H.R. 1207. It's probably the best idea to hit the floor in some time. I know it'll open people's eyes too. Which is great.
Only if it will pass...
But anyway, I really want to do something on gun rights, I feel like it's very important. I'm going to do a bunch of research first, expect an entry in a few days involving that.
Also, 20/20's Bullshit in America, hosted by John Stossel and Drew Carey, will be airing on Friday, March 13, at 10 PM on ABC. It should be awesome. I'll be watching it.
Plus, the uselessness of Congress is nauseating. I can't imagine how I'd be if I was an actual congressman, I think I'd lose my mind. Watching C-SPAN this much is disturbing me. I mean, I like the fact that congress is at my fingertips. That's perfect. is also awesome. I can find anything I want, and then write. I'm really excited about H.R. 1207. It's probably the best idea to hit the floor in some time. I know it'll open people's eyes too. Which is great.
Only if it will pass...
But anyway, I really want to do something on gun rights, I feel like it's very important. I'm going to do a bunch of research first, expect an entry in a few days involving that.
Also, 20/20's Bullshit in America, hosted by John Stossel and Drew Carey, will be airing on Friday, March 13, at 10 PM on ABC. It should be awesome. I'll be watching it.
Monday, March 9, 2009
A little bit of Math
Federal Representatives and Senators receive roughly $168,000 a year, the two party leaders in each chamber receive roughly 186,600 a year, and the Speaker receives 215,700 a year.
There are 100 Senators
There are 435 Representatives
There are two party leaders per each chamber, who are also senators and representatives.
The Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, is also a representative.
With this in mind there are 98 Senators at roughly base pay
And there are 432 representatives at roughly base pay
98 x 168,000 = 16,464,000
432 x 168,000 = 72,576,000
4 x 186,600 = 746,400
1 x 215,700 = 215,700
= 90,002,100
In summary, we pay the Legislative branch alone to stand around for 40+ minutes doing this:
During an economic crisis, the most important thing is to commend a football team for winning.
Thank you congress, I'm glad that you choose to waste my tax dollars voting and discussing useless bills over and over again instead of actually attempting to "change" things. Please continue to be useless and take much more of my money with new taxes that you seem to make all the room for to line your pockets. I'm glad I can trust you all to be so fiscally responsible
Afterthought: Don't you think we pay them a bit too much to sit around and do stuff like this? There are 535 congressmen total. How many do you think actually contribute something to the matter, instead of just voting with their party?
There are 100 Senators
There are 435 Representatives
There are two party leaders per each chamber, who are also senators and representatives.
The Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, is also a representative.
With this in mind there are 98 Senators at roughly base pay
And there are 432 representatives at roughly base pay
98 x 168,000 = 16,464,000
432 x 168,000 = 72,576,000
4 x 186,600 = 746,400
1 x 215,700 = 215,700
= 90,002,100
In summary, we pay the Legislative branch alone to stand around for 40+ minutes doing this:
During an economic crisis, the most important thing is to commend a football team for winning.
Thank you congress, I'm glad that you choose to waste my tax dollars voting and discussing useless bills over and over again instead of actually attempting to "change" things. Please continue to be useless and take much more of my money with new taxes that you seem to make all the room for to line your pockets. I'm glad I can trust you all to be so fiscally responsible
Afterthought: Don't you think we pay them a bit too much to sit around and do stuff like this? There are 535 congressmen total. How many do you think actually contribute something to the matter, instead of just voting with their party?
Being a Libertarian is healthy for the mind
We libertarians put ourselves in a philosophical position where we give ourselves enough breathing room to change opinions on something without backing out on our core values.
Recently, I was approached with the issue of abortion, but given another angle on it. What if what matters most in the end, is the child's right to life and liberty? This completely turns my opinion upside down, and makes me have to reconsider what I stand for as a humanitarian and as a libertarian. I've now become undecided on abortion, but I still have to stand on absolute zero government intervention. That is key. Allow patients and their doctors to decide options, not government checks and funds.
Can someone by law be prescribed an abortion if deemed unfit to be a mother?
Hell no.
Let that be her decision. Unfortunately, this child may be neglected, but that does not mean that the mother's right to liberty can be decided in a court of law.
Of course, she can still be convicted and be a mother. I think adoption agencies would end up being her best choice; but hey, I'm not her.
So once again, I have to weigh the values of life and make up my mind. Isn't philosophy fun?
At least I'm not bound by party rule, and can think for myself.
--Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, and ideas are bullet proof.
Recently, I was approached with the issue of abortion, but given another angle on it. What if what matters most in the end, is the child's right to life and liberty? This completely turns my opinion upside down, and makes me have to reconsider what I stand for as a humanitarian and as a libertarian. I've now become undecided on abortion, but I still have to stand on absolute zero government intervention. That is key. Allow patients and their doctors to decide options, not government checks and funds.
Can someone by law be prescribed an abortion if deemed unfit to be a mother?
Hell no.
Let that be her decision. Unfortunately, this child may be neglected, but that does not mean that the mother's right to liberty can be decided in a court of law.
Of course, she can still be convicted and be a mother. I think adoption agencies would end up being her best choice; but hey, I'm not her.
So once again, I have to weigh the values of life and make up my mind. Isn't philosophy fun?
At least I'm not bound by party rule, and can think for myself.
--Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, and ideas are bullet proof.
Friday, March 6, 2009
New Gadgets
I've added several new gadgets, including a "Bills to Watch" Gadget, where I will post bills on the current floor that are important to the liberty movement. At this time there is only one bill on there, H.R. 1207,the Federal Reserve Transparency Act. Take a look at it. More bills to come.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
It doesn't matter what you spend it on, it's still spending.
There's this strange theory going around, that what makes Obama different from Bush is: what he chooses to spend all this money on is for social programs, rather than intense foreign policy. I have two problems with this issue:
1) the title says it all.
2) Obama is keeping Bush's foreign policy, just altering it slightly (moving occupation to the other side of the scale) PLUS spending more on social programs.
It's entirely a mess because we are repeating the past 8 years in spending, and only making it worse. I have this theory of a economic lag as well, where the market takes a few years to directly react, rather than instantly. I'm sure that Obama's mistakes with money will drive us further down below, but it will take time. This isn't good. I think if this federal reserve audit bill passes (H.R.1207 - Federal Reserve Transparency Act), people will notice the problem.
--Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, and ideas are bulletproof.
1) the title says it all.
2) Obama is keeping Bush's foreign policy, just altering it slightly (moving occupation to the other side of the scale) PLUS spending more on social programs.
It's entirely a mess because we are repeating the past 8 years in spending, and only making it worse. I have this theory of a economic lag as well, where the market takes a few years to directly react, rather than instantly. I'm sure that Obama's mistakes with money will drive us further down below, but it will take time. This isn't good. I think if this federal reserve audit bill passes (H.R.1207 - Federal Reserve Transparency Act), people will notice the problem.
--Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, and ideas are bulletproof.
What if?
A fellow patriot sent me this video, and I have to say, it makes a lot of sense. It is probably one of the strongest floor speeches given in the past decade. I encourage you to watch it
couldn't have said it better myself.
couldn't have said it better myself.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Gripes with Mass Law
I've always disliked Massachusetts State Law, it's usually ridiculous and stupid. It's gotten so bad, some of us residents have nicknamed it the "No Fun State". No fireworks, no smoking in public places, almost no smoking in private places, no driving without seatbelts/helmets, no cigar bars, no purchasing of violent video games without a valid ID (seriously. I never thought I'd ever be carded trying to pick up a copy of Resident evil {rated M for fantasy blood, gore and violence. Seriously. Zombies don't even exist. How can a kid even begin to try and legitimize something like that}). This state is just ridiculous.
On top of this, we are looking at a new bill and a new law.
The bill: for parking at Logan Airport, a $1 charge per day for carbon emissions. I'm a bit of a global warming/climate change skepticist; I'm not ready to declare that the climate change is human caused, or how much is human caused, I don't know. But I do know that it isn't right to charge someone a carbon emission toll, especially when the money is going to other state programs, and not anything to try and counter carbon emissions (if you can even really do that).
The law: Permits are now required to have open trenches in your area, and they must be properly boarded up. So now you have to pay the government to dig a hole in your lawn (no standardization of what constitutes a trench, laws are often misinterpreted around here, so a hole will suffice), and you must board it up to protect yourself from it.
Piece of advice from me: If anyone tells you theyre signing a bill to protect lives of people, and it results in them fining you in any way, it's a scam.
I'll always remember the click-it-or-ticket commercial, "cops give tickets to save lives". Yeah right. I don't need the government to try and save my life and tell me how to live. I use a seatbelt because i choose to, not because someone makes me. Allow common sense to rule, and we won't have to waste hours on these stupid bills. But then again, we're in the "No Fun State" that taxes the crap out of everything.
If that's the case, then why do we still need the money? I say cut programs. This state is not living within its means. There are too many government programs. If we just cut some, we can actually have some sort of revenue. We won't have to worry about doing too much more with taxation, seeing as we're already being taxed like crazy. I don't know, maybe I'm crazy, but I don't think common sense and beuracracy mix too well.
On top of this, we are looking at a new bill and a new law.
The bill: for parking at Logan Airport, a $1 charge per day for carbon emissions. I'm a bit of a global warming/climate change skepticist; I'm not ready to declare that the climate change is human caused, or how much is human caused, I don't know. But I do know that it isn't right to charge someone a carbon emission toll, especially when the money is going to other state programs, and not anything to try and counter carbon emissions (if you can even really do that).
The law: Permits are now required to have open trenches in your area, and they must be properly boarded up. So now you have to pay the government to dig a hole in your lawn (no standardization of what constitutes a trench, laws are often misinterpreted around here, so a hole will suffice), and you must board it up to protect yourself from it.
Piece of advice from me: If anyone tells you theyre signing a bill to protect lives of people, and it results in them fining you in any way, it's a scam.
I'll always remember the click-it-or-ticket commercial, "cops give tickets to save lives". Yeah right. I don't need the government to try and save my life and tell me how to live. I use a seatbelt because i choose to, not because someone makes me. Allow common sense to rule, and we won't have to waste hours on these stupid bills. But then again, we're in the "No Fun State" that taxes the crap out of everything.
If that's the case, then why do we still need the money? I say cut programs. This state is not living within its means. There are too many government programs. If we just cut some, we can actually have some sort of revenue. We won't have to worry about doing too much more with taxation, seeing as we're already being taxed like crazy. I don't know, maybe I'm crazy, but I don't think common sense and beuracracy mix too well.
A Brief List of wasted money and time by Congress (week of March 2)
H.R. 548
H.R. 146
H.R. 1105
More to come later, too tired of sifting through the useless resolutions the House passes every 5 seconds.
On the top two, you can get two birds with one stone. These bills work to preserve historic revolution and civil war battlefields. Instead of putting government money toward it, the government should move to sell the land to caretakers, allow caretakers to hire workers to stimulate the economy.
Mainly, I'm stopping short with only three bills because I'm watching Larry King Live, and this snide democratic woman is on. She's shooting down a historian who has numbers to prove that the New Deal didn't stimulate the economy as much as everyone anticipated.
Why is she attacking him?
Not because he may be right (that's the secret truth), but because he's a Republican.
I'm tired of this "we've tried it your way" mentality, as if conservatives use group-think (like liberals). Sure, some do, and that's why the neoconservatives hit this rut when they took control of the Republican Party.
Doing as you're told instead of what's right never leads to a strong political force. This past election only reinforces that.
If only the Republicans could see why they lost their way.
It's not only because they gave into group-think, it's because they failed to see it. More importantly, those who pointed it out before McCain's predicted loss are now being ignored. That's dangerous.
But anyway, that historian had some great points. I feel like the Republicans are starting to get where they need to go, by cutting spending and cutting unnecessary programs, as opposed to job creation within the government. I feel like a bigger government is less reliable. When something bad happens in a big government, like major inflation, everyone feels it. It's not remedied by adding artificial value to currency either. This is the vicious cycle we'll see for atleast the next 2 years. Longer if Republicans don't get it together in time.
More wasted money next week, next time I'll shut the TV off so I can focus, and not get distracted by stupidity.
-Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, and ideas are bulletproof.
H.R. 146
H.R. 1105
More to come later, too tired of sifting through the useless resolutions the House passes every 5 seconds.
On the top two, you can get two birds with one stone. These bills work to preserve historic revolution and civil war battlefields. Instead of putting government money toward it, the government should move to sell the land to caretakers, allow caretakers to hire workers to stimulate the economy.
Mainly, I'm stopping short with only three bills because I'm watching Larry King Live, and this snide democratic woman is on. She's shooting down a historian who has numbers to prove that the New Deal didn't stimulate the economy as much as everyone anticipated.
Why is she attacking him?
Not because he may be right (that's the secret truth), but because he's a Republican.
I'm tired of this "we've tried it your way" mentality, as if conservatives use group-think (like liberals). Sure, some do, and that's why the neoconservatives hit this rut when they took control of the Republican Party.
Doing as you're told instead of what's right never leads to a strong political force. This past election only reinforces that.
If only the Republicans could see why they lost their way.
It's not only because they gave into group-think, it's because they failed to see it. More importantly, those who pointed it out before McCain's predicted loss are now being ignored. That's dangerous.
But anyway, that historian had some great points. I feel like the Republicans are starting to get where they need to go, by cutting spending and cutting unnecessary programs, as opposed to job creation within the government. I feel like a bigger government is less reliable. When something bad happens in a big government, like major inflation, everyone feels it. It's not remedied by adding artificial value to currency either. This is the vicious cycle we'll see for atleast the next 2 years. Longer if Republicans don't get it together in time.
More wasted money next week, next time I'll shut the TV off so I can focus, and not get distracted by stupidity.
-Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, and ideas are bulletproof.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
I know I hit the ground running on my first three blogs, because there was a lot going on in the media. Now that we're at the weekend, it tends to be a breathing moment in politics. I'll use this short break to introduce myself and where I stand on things.
I'm a Paleo-Conservative. This means I disagree 100% with the way conservatives ran our government into the ground this past decade. However, this does not by any stretch mean that I agree with the Democrats on much. In essence, I'm a traditional liberal. By this I mean that I believe in social liberties as well as economic liberties. Democrats tend to believe in holding up economic freedoms for the sake of social freedom, while Republicans believe in holding up social freedoms for the sake of economic freedoms.
I'm for having your cake and eating it too.
Not only is it possible to have both social liberties and economic liberties, it needs to be that way. I see it as a mandatory agreement of both. The only way one can truly be free is to share freedoms in enterprise and freedoms in personal life.
This means I'm for gun rights, against censorship, against big government regulation, frivolous taxes, I'm also for a flat tax, as opposed to a fair tax.
On taxation, I take this stand because I believe that it is unfair to tax those who have a higher income more than those who do not. An even tax for everyone would be fantastic.
Of course no tax altogether would be even better.
I oppose the 16th amendment.
I also oppose the 17th amendment. It's the right of the people to appoint officials through special elections, not the right of corrupt governors to play personal politics and choose in favor of a political party, rather than a common good.
I'm opposed to political parties, I believe they exist just to disagree with each other, and for nothing else. In this situation, winning a vote is more important than having morals, which is twisted and wrong.
I am for gay marriage, but not for government regulation. Marriage is a religious institution, if a religion allows it, then it can happen. If not, tough. On that matter, the main issue of marriage in general revolves around the income tax. same sex couples want to receive the same benefits as opposite sex couples when it comes to filing for taxes and all that good stuff. I want to abolish the 16th amendment, so with that in mind, I want to abolish this whole tax incentive thing. That shouldn't be a concern. Outside of that, marriage is all religion from there on.
I am for abortion, but not government regulated or funded abortion. If a doctor chooses to provide that service, they may, but there should be no handouts for anyone in the process. It's a regular form of surgery as far as I'm concerned.
If I think of anything more, I'll be sure to post
I'm a Paleo-Conservative. This means I disagree 100% with the way conservatives ran our government into the ground this past decade. However, this does not by any stretch mean that I agree with the Democrats on much. In essence, I'm a traditional liberal. By this I mean that I believe in social liberties as well as economic liberties. Democrats tend to believe in holding up economic freedoms for the sake of social freedom, while Republicans believe in holding up social freedoms for the sake of economic freedoms.
I'm for having your cake and eating it too.
Not only is it possible to have both social liberties and economic liberties, it needs to be that way. I see it as a mandatory agreement of both. The only way one can truly be free is to share freedoms in enterprise and freedoms in personal life.
This means I'm for gun rights, against censorship, against big government regulation, frivolous taxes, I'm also for a flat tax, as opposed to a fair tax.
On taxation, I take this stand because I believe that it is unfair to tax those who have a higher income more than those who do not. An even tax for everyone would be fantastic.
Of course no tax altogether would be even better.
I oppose the 16th amendment.
I also oppose the 17th amendment. It's the right of the people to appoint officials through special elections, not the right of corrupt governors to play personal politics and choose in favor of a political party, rather than a common good.
I'm opposed to political parties, I believe they exist just to disagree with each other, and for nothing else. In this situation, winning a vote is more important than having morals, which is twisted and wrong.
I am for gay marriage, but not for government regulation. Marriage is a religious institution, if a religion allows it, then it can happen. If not, tough. On that matter, the main issue of marriage in general revolves around the income tax. same sex couples want to receive the same benefits as opposite sex couples when it comes to filing for taxes and all that good stuff. I want to abolish the 16th amendment, so with that in mind, I want to abolish this whole tax incentive thing. That shouldn't be a concern. Outside of that, marriage is all religion from there on.
I am for abortion, but not government regulated or funded abortion. If a doctor chooses to provide that service, they may, but there should be no handouts for anyone in the process. It's a regular form of surgery as far as I'm concerned.
If I think of anything more, I'll be sure to post
Friday, February 27, 2009
Oh, Flying Spagetti Monster (Blessed be His noodly appendage), Why is Sarah Palin still in the news?
Is it just me, or is the media trying to drown conservatism with the worst possible representative? I can't believe that Sarah Palin is still getting media coverage. You're killing us, CNN. CNN just did a poll saying Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee are the top rated GOP representatives for the 2012 election ( That makes me sick. The last thing the Republicans need is another "god-fearing Christian" running, specifically anyone who thinks it's a strong idea to appear "folksy". I usually don't rip on people who believe in a god or anything like that, but when your platform runs on "good Christian values" you tend to exclude a lot of people who just don't care about Christian values.
Overall, elections really piss me off. They shouldn't, but they do. Every year, they drag out these people, who go around doing petty things that in the long run mean absolutely nothing, like bowling in Pennsylvania, or kissing babies. Why can't politicians be themselves? I know the answer exactly: if they were; we'd all see them for truly how fake they are. Hillary Clinton is a prime example. Not only is her smile one of the scariest things I've ever seen, but it's also one of the fakest things I've ever seen. It's all in her eyes that she really doesn't care about what she's doing, all she needs is more votes. She probably even hates all her supporters. That sort of elitist crap is what we get from both sides of the table.
My biggest problem with it is that those who are sadly more aligned with me come off as total bumpkins. All it does is make our work harder for us in the end. I have no worries though, I think the Republican party will soon collapse on itself (especially if the likes of Palin and Huckabee are their frontrunners). Then, we will see the ushering in of a new conservative party, one that stands for true conservatism, because it is fatally obvious that this form is not what we need.
Overall, elections really piss me off. They shouldn't, but they do. Every year, they drag out these people, who go around doing petty things that in the long run mean absolutely nothing, like bowling in Pennsylvania, or kissing babies. Why can't politicians be themselves? I know the answer exactly: if they were; we'd all see them for truly how fake they are. Hillary Clinton is a prime example. Not only is her smile one of the scariest things I've ever seen, but it's also one of the fakest things I've ever seen. It's all in her eyes that she really doesn't care about what she's doing, all she needs is more votes. She probably even hates all her supporters. That sort of elitist crap is what we get from both sides of the table.
My biggest problem with it is that those who are sadly more aligned with me come off as total bumpkins. All it does is make our work harder for us in the end. I have no worries though, I think the Republican party will soon collapse on itself (especially if the likes of Palin and Huckabee are their frontrunners). Then, we will see the ushering in of a new conservative party, one that stands for true conservatism, because it is fatally obvious that this form is not what we need.
Hillary Clinton,
Mike Huckabee,
Sarah Palin
Face of the GOP?
Why is it that the Republicans feel the need to find someone "diverse" (someone non-white, not someone with true ideals, necessarily {of course I'm not suggesting that only whites have the right mindset. hahaha wow I even have to censor myself}) to attempt to take the GOP to new levels? Bobby Jindal spoke out against Obama, poorly, and was made into a mockery. The media, weeks before, strung him up like a white knight riding on a horse, with a beaming halo of light blasting behind him (much like the way they portrayed Obama during his run for office).
While watching this, I felt disgraced to even mention his name and conservative in the same sentence. I felt like I could have spoken on the Republican's behalf better, and I'm not even a Republican!
And they wonder why they've lost their way...
What is even funnier is that the higher-ups are really trying hard to move around possible "saviors" of the GOP. People who are traditional Republicans, Ron Paul and those of the like. There are more libertarian conservatives out there than the media leads on, and it's almost like the GOP is afraid of tapping them for ideas.
I will say one thing: I don't care what race, gender, sexual orientation, favorite color or whatever, as long as they have a head on their shoulders, understand the rule of law, and do their job the way it was entailed, they have my vote.
Eric Holder is right: We are a "Nation of Cowards". There is no doubt in my mind of this. However, people have it wrong as to who it is we should blame. We shouldn't blame ourselves for not being able to speak freely about racial issues, we should blame those who censor us by calling us racist; but more importantly: we need to blame ourselves for allowing ourselves to succumb to such censorship.
This political cartoon is proof: Sure, it probably is pretty racist, but at the same time maybe its suggestive. All I know, is that the stampede of media coverage following this picture is a major reason why no one can talk about racism. The only lesson I learned is that you will be bombarded with attacks, just as bad or maybe worse than what you threw out. Racism is ugly. But the less we talk about it, the worse it will get. Let's grab it by the horns and get it out there before it explodes in our faces. The racial tension in society today is disgusting.
Phew, just went from GOP to Bobby Jindal to racism. Must be hard to read haha. Oh well, I'll post this anyway.
--Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, and ideas are bulletproof.
While watching this, I felt disgraced to even mention his name and conservative in the same sentence. I felt like I could have spoken on the Republican's behalf better, and I'm not even a Republican!
And they wonder why they've lost their way...
What is even funnier is that the higher-ups are really trying hard to move around possible "saviors" of the GOP. People who are traditional Republicans, Ron Paul and those of the like. There are more libertarian conservatives out there than the media leads on, and it's almost like the GOP is afraid of tapping them for ideas.
I will say one thing: I don't care what race, gender, sexual orientation, favorite color or whatever, as long as they have a head on their shoulders, understand the rule of law, and do their job the way it was entailed, they have my vote.
Eric Holder is right: We are a "Nation of Cowards". There is no doubt in my mind of this. However, people have it wrong as to who it is we should blame. We shouldn't blame ourselves for not being able to speak freely about racial issues, we should blame those who censor us by calling us racist; but more importantly: we need to blame ourselves for allowing ourselves to succumb to such censorship.

This political cartoon is proof: Sure, it probably is pretty racist, but at the same time maybe its suggestive. All I know, is that the stampede of media coverage following this picture is a major reason why no one can talk about racism. The only lesson I learned is that you will be bombarded with attacks, just as bad or maybe worse than what you threw out. Racism is ugly. But the less we talk about it, the worse it will get. Let's grab it by the horns and get it out there before it explodes in our faces. The racial tension in society today is disgusting.
Phew, just went from GOP to Bobby Jindal to racism. Must be hard to read haha. Oh well, I'll post this anyway.
--Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, and ideas are bulletproof.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
3.6 Trillion dollars??? WTF
Hello Bloggers and Blog readers, My name is LibertyCatalyst, I'm starting a blog approaching the things that make me mad in the world of politics. Of course, I won't always be negative, Unlike the media, I'd rather hear and report good news. So keep an eye on my page, maybe we can agree on stuff, maybe we'll completely be at disagreement, but either way I'd love to hear from you, and possibly talk out ideas and debate.
I couldn't have picked a better time to launch my blog. At this very moment, I am watching CNN, watching a discussion on Obama's new budget plan, which is supposed to bring down the deficit and help stabilize the economy. I cannot see how one could even think to stabilize anything that is in the red by spending more.
To fill you in, (just in case you don't know what this guy's doing with our money) there is a current bill going through the house and senate, that promotes a 3.6 trillion dollar budget. Considering the economy in its current state, and the fact that our dollar is pretty much worthless, we're looking at a much larger problem than it had to be.
One of my biggest issues relies in taxation. This budget is promising to repeal tax cuts for wealthy Americans. This sentence alone is confusing. What it appears to be, is that the government is going to take more money from those who make more, and not as much from those who don't make much. I believe in a across the board tax thats equal, or no income tax at all. Either is fantastic in my eyes. This bill is nothing but Big Government spending.
What Upsets me more is that Republicans are arrogant enough to call this "the return of Big Government". Do they remember the last 8 years? Spending was through the roof. With this bill, I predict it will only get worse.
Republicans and Democrats need to quit tis facade, telling us that we have to choose between two ideologically different styles. In my eyes, they are both the same thing, Big Government spenders, wasting our money instead of doing good with it.
One last gripe: I don't know who made the commercial, I'm going to guess and say Republicans, where it mentions the bailout bill that was just recently signed by Obama. It starts by saying you'd have to spend $1,000,000 a day for 2000 years to even come close to the ammount that bill spent. I was thinking, "yeah! this is right!" until the line "Just think about it, that could start from say, the day Jesus was born". At that point, I was done. There is no quicker way to scare people away from your opinion than to throw religion into it. Give it up, and just give facts, not fictitious characters and fictitious dates.
That's all for today,
I couldn't have picked a better time to launch my blog. At this very moment, I am watching CNN, watching a discussion on Obama's new budget plan, which is supposed to bring down the deficit and help stabilize the economy. I cannot see how one could even think to stabilize anything that is in the red by spending more.
To fill you in, (just in case you don't know what this guy's doing with our money) there is a current bill going through the house and senate, that promotes a 3.6 trillion dollar budget. Considering the economy in its current state, and the fact that our dollar is pretty much worthless, we're looking at a much larger problem than it had to be.
One of my biggest issues relies in taxation. This budget is promising to repeal tax cuts for wealthy Americans. This sentence alone is confusing. What it appears to be, is that the government is going to take more money from those who make more, and not as much from those who don't make much. I believe in a across the board tax thats equal, or no income tax at all. Either is fantastic in my eyes. This bill is nothing but Big Government spending.
What Upsets me more is that Republicans are arrogant enough to call this "the return of Big Government". Do they remember the last 8 years? Spending was through the roof. With this bill, I predict it will only get worse.
Republicans and Democrats need to quit tis facade, telling us that we have to choose between two ideologically different styles. In my eyes, they are both the same thing, Big Government spenders, wasting our money instead of doing good with it.
One last gripe: I don't know who made the commercial, I'm going to guess and say Republicans, where it mentions the bailout bill that was just recently signed by Obama. It starts by saying you'd have to spend $1,000,000 a day for 2000 years to even come close to the ammount that bill spent. I was thinking, "yeah! this is right!" until the line "Just think about it, that could start from say, the day Jesus was born". At that point, I was done. There is no quicker way to scare people away from your opinion than to throw religion into it. Give it up, and just give facts, not fictitious characters and fictitious dates.
That's all for today,
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