Thursday, September 24, 2009


If this doesn't make you feel disgusted, I don't know what will. This is FUCKED UP to say the least. Intercoms? Sure, they're anarchists who have been known to get rowdy, but when you appear in full riot gear, bombing them with tear gas and threatening them like that, what do you expect? Of course they're going to rebel. If the police, or hell, if the military started herding you and your like minded peers into a corner because your opinions cause a threat to their system of order, would you not get violent? You're defending your beliefs, rights, and most importantly your life at this situation. You heard that intercom correctly, whereas we once belonged to a free state, where you could come and go at your own pleasure down a public street; you can now be arrested by riot control for looking at them wrong. This is bullshit to the 10th degree. Who gave them this much power?

If this is how the government wants to treat its owners, I'll be the first in line as a treasonous patriot.


Monday, September 7, 2009

Speaking to the kids

Well it's been a long while since my last post, I'll admit I've been pretty busy. I'd like to jump headfirst into the more recent political craziness that is the American Government. First up is the death of Ted Kennedy, which I wasn't very affected by. I mean sure, no one deserves to die from cancer, that really sucks, but I was never a major fan of him. Sure, you can call me heartless, but I think it's all sensationalism. I actually have a funny memory to share about Ted, I wrote to him last year about the bailout, and how I did not support it as one of his constituents. In the letter form to him on his site, he has a drop bar to help categorize the message with all sorts of issues. There was NO economic or economically related issues! I was shocked, I saw gun control, I saw welfare, I saw all sorts of government spending issues, yet NOTHING on the economy! I was outraged! My message to Ted was part opinion on the bailout, and part complaint due to inconsistency and unfair representation.

I got a letter back not from him, but his secretary that was half fruity "We care about your thoughts... blah blah blah" and half "Mr. Kennedy understands your concern, and we will make the changes as soon as we get around to it". I wrote back, outraged again, "No, change it now, the issue is important now, yet we can hardly voice on it". I didn't get a response back for about 3 days, figured the secretary was just going to ignore me, and then I turned on the news. Kennedy was admitted to a hospital and has brain cancer. Ooops!! But seriously, from that point on, I was anticipating his resignation, because there is no way he could represent us if he was battling cancer. It never came. Not surprised, politicians will hold onto power until they die if they can.

Anyway, the past is past. The other issue I wanted to mention was the Presidential speech tomorrow morning. It really doesn't upset me very much, because many other Presidents have made speeches to kids in school, and as long as there is a public school system with the government in charge, I guess the president can really do what he wants. No big deal to me really, besides, it's not that big of a deal. He's telling them to do good in school. Probably wont work at all, but hey, A for effort. I read the speech, he seems to come off as like someone who's out of touch, looking to relate to the kids through humor. I didn't find it funny, but that's also because I'm not into that "cutesy" humor he uses.

If you're interested, check it out here:

Obama Speech to Students

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I don't swear often in posts, but this is shitty.

I'm not a big Republican guy, but I'm DEFINITELY not a big Democrat guy. In fact, I hate both parties. But anyway, Arlen Spector (we in New England know him as the guy who put the NFL over the economy, while trying to prove that the Patriots cheated against the Steelers-but of course no one cared) decided to switch from Republican to Democrat, because
"the Republican Party has moved farther and farther to the right, I have found myself increasingly at odds with the Republican philosophy and more in line with the philosophy of the Democratic Party,"
and continued with
"In the course of the last several months ... I have traveled the state and surveyed the sentiments of the Republican Party in Pennsylvania and public opinion polls, observed other public opinion polls and have found that the prospects for winning a Republican primary are bleak."

So to me, all I get is, he's willing to silence dissent for another 2 years for the sake of votes? This is why I hate politicians. I mean, what does he side with? Total government control? or actual "Republican" (libertarian) principles? If the second, he's a fool, because the Democrats are definitely not libertarian by any stretch. The first makes most sense. I don't know, I'm definitely against not being true to your principles, but the already dim voice of dissent is being suffocated; why put the plastic bag around its head?

The Democrats are one seat away from potentially ruining the country.
Dissent makes the world go 'round. Atleast in America.

-It's all distorted in Americana

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Why cops piss me off

I can't stand them. Don't get me wrong, some are trying to be honest people and do their job correctly, I have nothing against them and respect them. However, when a cop pulls you over and treats you like a criminal for no reason, then I have a problem.

Take this video, about a seemingly New England thing (all New England cops here, note the Rhode Island Statie uniform, quite hilarious)

Essentially, they're commanding you to wear seat belts for your own good. I was looking for one commercial that they pulled awhile ago, because it showed their true colors. It said "Cops give tickets to save lives, so Click-it, or Ticket!"
Thanks guys, I couldn't have taken care of myself without that vital information.
Seat belt laws are ridiculous. If someone gets into an accident and dies because he didn't have a seat belt on, that's his fault, not the state's for not regulating seat belt wearing.
On top of this, they trample your rights just to get stuff out of you. (see two posts ago, and the case where a school strip searched some girl for pills). It is beyond unreasonable. Another case is this one:

Completely uncalled for. I hope this guy sues the Border Patrol for all they have.
On top of this, people are saying that HE's at fault, that HE deserved what he got. I can't believe this! I would have the video here of a radio interview, but it god pulled. Anyway, the caller said that he got what he deserved, because after 9/11, we should be wary of the threat to our nation, and all this other bullshit. She's fucking insane, and probably one of those who's easily controlled by the police.
You can choose to live in a world where you waive your rights, because you've got nothing to hide, and you don't need them anyway, the government can take care of you - or you can exercise every one of your rights regardless if you need to or not, because it's your right to do so. I prefer the latter. I don't care if I'm carrying absolutely nothing in my car, a cop can't search me without a warrant or my consent; and I'm definitely not giving any cops my consent. Thanks, but no thanks.

Anyway, that lady was insane. If the youtube video reemerges, take a look. Crazy neo cons.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My thoughts on the Tea Party

I've been watching the news lately, and of course this "Republican agenda" tea party issue is being passed around. I believe this to be half true, but I want to clarify something. I'll get to that later, first I'll summarize.
Opinions on this are generally split three ways

Obama supporters, feeling this is threatening. They will do whatever they can to undermine the plan.

Neo-conservatives and deceived sheep Republicans, looking to reclaim the power they once had by championing the underdog. This is how the Democrats pulled themselves up (though they'd like you to think they did it because everyone loves them), and that's how neo-conservatism will make its return.

Atleast if the true conservatives don't block them. The true conservatives who stand for a federal decrease in government. This starts by lowering and combating taxes.

My problem with this is that the neo-conservatives suddenly are taking up positions against taxation, just to win the vote. These people aren't true libertarian minded conservatives, they are just trying to get back into power.
Of course, I won't rule out that some of them are waking up, but I don't believe all of them stand on these grounds. That dilutes the true factors in this, the most important part.
The income tax is not a necessary evil, it's just evil.
I've stated this on my new-found favorite forum site, Topix. It is both exciting and funny. Some people make valid points, others aren't very bright, but they still seem to type and make fools of themselves, and others partake in shouting matches until they win. It's almost like the real world! Haha, but seriously, it's fun over there, and I recommend you joining as well.


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

So I guess being a cop entitles you to be a bully...

These videos are ridiculous. They're proof that there's too much power in the hands of the executive branch of this company. These men walk all over this campaign worker for the Campaign For Liberty. Last time I checked, it's not illegal to carry money.

Check them out:

Friday, April 3, 2009

Penn Says: Trillion

I've been a subscriber to Penn Jillette's youtube account for ahwile now, but this video he posted today was fantastic. Check it out, it's about the stimulus package: